
Even if you distinguish by the 'amount of talent' it takes to do those things in between, there are a number of DJ's who take 'performance art' to a whole new level, and they consider what they do to take quite a bit of talent (in a different sense) also. They're often using MIDI controllers or sequencers, and doing much more than just spinning vinyl or CD's as in 'the good old days' as I'm sure some of them refer.

And whether or not it is your cup of tea, the DJ can make the most music with the widest variation for the lowest cost. For those that more just listen and dance - just as good. Different art, different talent, the people paying don't typically know, care enough, or can afford the alternative.

based on what you just said, wouldn't it be a GOOD thing for a musician to be more like a DJ?
FWIW, I DO think that it takes talent, (or at least skill) to be a good DJ. They have to do a lot of the same things musicians do, such as :

Buy gear
learn to use it
learn to work a crowd
learn how to run a small business
know a lot about the songs they're presenting to the audience
own a vehicle capable of hauling the gear around
have muscles capable of schlepping the gear in and out of gigs
learn enough about MIDI to run the light show