

”I like the word "ENTERTAINER". It covers anything you can do to entertain an audience for pay.”


Nah, that definition would include clowns ...

Unfortunately, there have been lots of “clowns” in the music biz for years. Alice Cooper, Kiss, Lady Gaga, etc. Acts that point out the fact that it’s no longer about the music. It’s about the “spectacle”.

I’ve never been a fan of “spectacles”.

Personally, I wouldn’t want to be thought of as an “entertainer” if I were performing. That title can run the gamut from Lady Gaga to a live sex show to someone who defecates on stage. (Ooops, ... I left out pulling a rabbit out of a hat).

I’d rather be thought of as a musician or a singer/songwriter.

Hey, thanks for chiming in on this Bob.. I hoped you would! You always have an intelligent point to make on any topic.

Yes, you are one who always weighs in on the "artist" side of the equation. You would rather play to a room with 20 people who actually understand what you're doing and appreciate it than to a stadium full of morons who only showed up because there was also a singing monkey act. I respect your position... but I can't take it because I just don't have the ARTISTIC talent to go that route. I have to factor in some technical knowledge to compensate for having less artistic knowledge.

I understand that purists like you will tend to look down on people like me who pursue music as a business rather than as an art. But I also know there is NO way to pursue anything in a way that pleases everybody, so we all gotta pursue this life with whatever strengths and weaknesses we have. I don't have your talent, but I do have some business sense. I can make that work for me more easily than I can duplicate your proficiency.