Ok, if it's the MIDI auto accompaniment, this is what you need to do.

1) There's a setting in the Casio's MIDI menu to enable auto accompaniment out. Make sure you've got this switched on.

2) Start with a blank sequence on RB and set the tempo to the same as the Casio.

3) In RB go to OPTIONS - SYNC SOURCE and set it to MIDI SYNC.

4) Select track one in RB and click on record. RB should now be waiting for a start signal.

5) Start the sequence playing on the Casio. RB should start at the same time.

6) Stop the Casio and RB should stop too. If it doesn't, click stop.

7) In RB change the sync setting back to internal.

8) Also in RB go to EDIT - EXTRACT CHANNELS TO TRACKS. This will separate out the individual instruments from the Casio. If you're using GM sounds on the Casio and a GM module in RB, then you should be able to play the sequence.

9) If you want to change any of the patch settings, you'll have to strip out the ones which are embedded from the Casio. This is a separate subject and there are various way to do it - let me know if you want this info as well.

10) You may need to quantize the tracks if there was some latency during the recording.

Hope you can follow this. Get back to me if you've any problems.