Antwort auf:

As for a program being able to identify chords with only Melody line information, well, what can happen is that you will quickly find out just how many different chord changes will work with that Melody - and likely none of them will be the chord changes that were assigned to the original sheet.


I always try to keep the chord changes without clashes with the melody. Lets say, if I have the fundamental of a chord as an important melody note, I would never use a MA7 chord type but and major triad with an added sixth.
Or if the fifth is an important melody note adding tension b13 in the harmony becomes also a critical situation.

What I am trying to say is, for me in the least cases it's a normal Dm7 G7 CMA7.
So when I am importing from Sibelius, regarding the changes, I want to have a 1:1 copy.

Funny - to integrate the XML Import/Export function to Sibelius it took them also years. :-)

Is PG Music present at the Music Fair in Frankfurt this year?