Wow! I'm seeing light at the end of the tunnel! I'm going to do exactly what you said; will not deviate from it one bit. I've only been a registered user to the forums for a short time, but have already picked up some tips for imputing & tweeking my songs in BB. I like to surf through them & find people like myself & what I like to do. That is really a good reasorce. I'm not going to jump into this too deep to soon; I have to feel my way through it. I didn't mention this but I also play electric bass guitar & some fiddle. I know some other musicians but have never paid any attention to what they were doing with thier equipment. On the occasions when I've played with them they'd say: "Hey Russ, give me your cord & I'll plug it in over here", and that was it; out of my hands & out of my mind. It's embarassing to tell it. I'm 67 years old & have 2 grandaughters interested in music; I pay for the lessons & look forword to encoraging them. I gotta get a recording mic yet & will get over to the nearest Guitar Center store, a 60 mile trip 1 way, to talk to those guys. I was always too timid to ask them dumb questions, but thanks to you, I think I'm getting up the nerve. Thank you so much.