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Here's One That My Head Nurse Just Loved

They found a naked dead body of a nurse washed up on the shore today.
How did they know it was a nurse?
She had an empty stomach, a full bladder, and her butt was chewed out.


Last edited by Don Gaynor; 02/17/13 10:38 AM.
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Josie said:

Sounds like a good idea. I think mixing and songwriting suggestions would be helpful in it's own forum.


It became apparent shortly after the introduction of Real Tracks that users of PGMusic products were actually finishing their songs, and the problems they were addressing pertained more to mixing and mastering than to song creation. As such, a forum dedicated to answering the questions that this group is most likely to have seems like a VERY good idea

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move the educator forum to pg music forums listing page then promote it in schools and at conferences with a yearly contest awarding software for best practices lesson plans

another +1

Considering the fact that there are so many ways to use this suite of products...
1) education/ music lessons/ school curriculum
2) auto accompaniment
3) practicing
4) recording
5) mixing/mastering
6) performing
7) collaborating / help my song
8) 3rd party add-ons

the "how do I " questions should fall under specific headings. This would account for the fact that everybody is at a different place in the learning curve. The person who just bought the software doesn't need to get overwhelmed by wading through "how to" posts about mastering. Likewise, the advanced user tends to get impatient with the same never-ending newbie questions

plus the usual product specific forums that answer questions about how to setup and use the software

9) BIAB win
10) BIAB Mac
11) RealBand
12) Power Tracks
13) extra content (how to use all the other cool stuff that comes with BIAB)

it makes sense to have specific forums for each of these uses

and the forum itself has taken on a clubhouse persona, in which many of us congregate here for social interaction. It might keep the information/ how-to forums more searchable if the social stuff were dedicated to a specific area. For example:

14) CLUBHOUSE (members only) <-creates an incentive to buy and register the product)
__14a) Gear for sale or trade
__14b) Reviews (what's the best/worst ______?)
__14c) Humor (jokes, tall tales, gigging stories etc)
__14d) Links of interest (check out this band, product, idea)
__14e) General Discussion

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But if you're saying that the ownership of the song quickly becomes a legal mess because the co-writer is automatically part-owner of the song, that's a different story. I've heard plenty of stories where people have claimed "co-writer" credits on a song because of some minor suggestion, and I agree that's problematic.

This would not become a mess because the person who creates the song initially is the "First Copyright Holder" any suggestion or change is covered in Copyright Law under derivative works i.e. if I changed the lyrics to "Dancing Queen" to "Jelly Beans" popular ABBA song I cannot claim a new copyright and I would still have to pay dues to the writers.

Online collaboration seems like the way forward people are uploading songs on Soundcloud and remixing each others work, as long as you have the consent of the "First copyright holder" and you agree to a final collaborative new "second Copyright jointly with the other writer there is no issue.

When it comes to proving copyright most patent attorneys agree that it would be a body of evidence rather than one single piece of evidence that would determine a case and the while side with the deepest pockets could determine the outcome this would not necessarily be so.


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I belong to a couple songwriting sites where there is peer-to-peer critiquing, suggestions and assistance going on all over the place. It is not that big of a deal to be worried about. None of these songs are going to be radio hits (ha, ha). It doesn't mean the songs aren't any good, it just means that they are folk just like us. If they were on the road to "hits", they wouldn't have time to hang out in songwriting forums.

I am neither for nor against a songwriting section -- but since there are more dedicated sites to this endeavor, it might be a case where it isn't needed. However, maybe some folks use this as a their primary internet site and it would be useful. It would take a while to gain traction, though.

Yes, if one of my songs ever became a "hit", it wouldn't surprise me to get sued by someone on an internet forum claiming to have "helped" me during the creation phase. Of course that person will be someone that didn't really help at all (ha, ha). It is a low probability risk, I do believe, though.

As a songwriter, I enjoy helping other songwriters (aspiring and otherwise) improve their songs by doing critiques and offering suggestions where I can. 90% of the time my opinions are ignored, because the songwriter wants to do what they want to do -- I am OK with that.

Kevin, you are dead right! For these types of conversations we tend to always worry about the most unlikely things! Yeah, it is possible a hit could come outta here but highly unlikely! So let the 99.999999% have a good conversation and learning experience and don't worry too much about the highly unlikely. Want another good example? Since Feb 1, 2013, as of this writing, there have been 5,329 new songs posted over at and many of those are collaborations between two or more people. No one there seems very concerned about song theft or ownership issues. We write the songs, post the songs, collaborate, critique and learn!

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Be careful, though, too many of something tends to cheapen all...


Having a single "Off-Topic" forum is messy, but there are advantages for the visitor.

I assume PG MUSIC has already thought about this, but this requires more moderation. Potentially, you'll begin to see more, "I'm posting here on "Off Topic" because nobody visits "..." threads. People tend to get surly with the moderators (depends on the moderators, but...). Once threads get moved, you'll start seeing threads like, "What happened to the thread about...?"

I'm understating what I've seen elsewhere.

More moderation! (man-hours)

After you subtract core post types from the Off Topic forum, what kind of future does the OT forum have?

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However, Peter's first sentence says "We are planning on adding some additional forums..."

1. How Do I...?

This is a staple of the "Off Topic" forum. The big question is whether someone who is capable of answering such a question will venture onto a forum that will largely contain "newbie" type questions. In the "Off Topic" forum, there have been 100's over the years who would help out of the kindness of their hearts, but they were already on the "Off Topic" forum.

2. Help My Song

This is another staple of the Off Topic forum. BiaB is a tool for the songwriter. I think it is logical to break the "critique my song" and "fix my mix" topics out in their own forum.

I absolutely share Josie' misgivings about writing from scratch. (I'm NOT talking about general comments during song creation like "try switching to a minor chord here", etc.)

3. Add on's for BiaB

I see a commercial advantage for PG Music in doing this.

This is new turf, because these folks have largely been excluded from the Off Topic forum, at least for commercial purposes.

I have one MAJOR misgiving. About the only one currently present on the Off Topic forum is Notes Norton. Some forum members have been upset that he included even a tag line about his styles. It's never bothered me, ever. I've thought he has kept a good balance.

For me, Notes Norton has been in the top handful of Off-Topic forum posters over the years.

When I see Norton's name attached to a thread, I read it. It's almost always worth my time.

If he's both places fine, but anything that causes him to leave the "Off Topic" forum is BAD.

I think Alyn's ("Gibson's) suggestion about making some forums read only for PG product non-registered posters has GREAT merit.

n. Reviews

I think Pat Marr's idea about a "Reviews" forum is a fantastic idea!!! But if and only if people would actually post reviews.

There's a problem with it though, (and also forum idea #1). Many years ago, we used to be able to search 5 years (or more) back. Now posts seem to be unavailable after a couple of years. (I haven't checked this lately.) If someone reviews a microphone, for example, I may be very interested, but not able to seriously shop (purchase) for a couple of years. Then the review's gone.

This is a forum that should be read-only for non-registered! That cuts out (or greatly reduces) the phony troll-type reviews.

n+1. Jokes

I disagree strongly about a jokes forum. Don's thread took off, but through the years one of the things that has given the "Off Topic" forum its flavor was the occasional joke post.

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There's a problem with it though, (and also forum idea #1). Many years ago, we used to be able to search 5 years (or more) back. Now posts seem to be unavailable after a couple of years. (I haven't checked this lately.) If someone reviews a microphone, for example, I may be very interested, but not able to seriously shop (purchase) for a couple of years. Then the review's gone.

as I see it, one of the best advantages of having more specific forums is to keep the INFORMATIVE posts from scrolling away so quickly. It's the mingling of social posts with technical posts that bloat the forums and make it difficult to find the good information that is there.

Yet, it's the social aspect that keeps people coming (and while they're here they answer questions)

Even if its the social forums that actually generate good information (and that's the way ideas often happen) the info can then be copied or moved to the information forums where they will be easy to find later when somebody wants that information.

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I assume PG MUSIC has already thought about this, but this requires more moderation. Potentially, you'll begin to see more, "I'm posting here on "Off Topic" because nobody visits "..." threads.

one low-cost way to address this would be to give trusted volunteers moderation permission. Whereas the employees at PGMusic have other work to do, many of the forum members are retired or bored and have time to read the posts daily, copying or moving posts to other forums as necessary.

A free upgrade for a retiree on a fixed income who might not be able to buy otherwise would be a good deal for both parties.

And to keep people from burning out, the moderator could be changed every 6-12 months. This would keep diligence at a maximum and would allow more fixed-income retirees to have the most recent version.

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regarding MEMBERS ONLY forums...

I think the friendly banter is a drawing card for new customers. When potential customers visit the site and see the supportive community, they want to belong to it. Therefore, I think everybody should have READ access, much like now.

WRITE access is currently also available to anyone, they just have to sign up. (Which makes it easy for spammers to join and post)

But if write access required a registered version of the product, I think it would not only keep out bots and spammers, it would also encourage people who may be using a "borrowed" copy to buy and register a legitimate copy.

Also there are probably some who are on the fence about buying, and the option of joining the community will push them over the edge.

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“But if write access required a registered version of the product, I think it would not only keep out bots and spammers, it would also encourage people who may be using a "borrowed" copy to buy and register a legitimate copy.

Also there are probably some who are on the fence about buying, and the option of joining the community will push them over the edge.”

I am reluctant to comment, being a mere 'Journeyman', but I think that restricting write access would actually lose potential customers.

As for “CLUBHOUSE (members only)”, I would have to agree with Groucho Marx on that one. A bit too elitist for me.



Last edited by 90 dB; 02/18/13 01:18 PM.
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I think there is a place for a users-only forum. Propellerhead (mfr of "Reason" DAW/soft synth) think so, too. They have four. The General, Suggestions, and Music forums are open to all, the User forum to registered owners only. There is a great deal of overlap between the General and Users forum. The General forum deals more with prospective owners and basic questions, the Users forum more with experienced users and advanced subjects. I think there may be a small amount of status involved, but I don't think it keeps anyone away; in fact, it may be an incentive to join and get in on the fun stuff.

Just my two centibucks' worth.


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Been thinking about this a lot since the thread was put up. And there have been a lot of good points brought up.

While the Off-Topic forum does, at times, seem kind of a "jumble", I would hate to see it broken into too many pieces. There are many times that I think a thread will not interest me, but I "take a quick peek", end up reading the whole thing and learning things that I would otherwise not have learned.

This is the only forum that I have ever participated in. It has a great "community/family" feel to it. Would hate to see that change because "some of the kids have started hanging out with elsewhere" (...other areas of the forum).

I did spend a lot of time reading posts in another forum (but never "joining"), years ago at - learned everything I know about pizza making there - it was (and probably is still) a terrific forum - filled with everything you could ever want to know about making pizza. At the time, it was similiar to what this forum is now - just a few "main heading" forums. Reading the main one regularly provided information on every type of pizza and every brand of ingredient and what work for people and what didn't.... it was interesting, informative, and entertaining.

Then... they decided to "make it better" by categorizing. The different types of pizza all got their own area. So did each of the ingredients. Suddenly,, you had to go to 20 different forum areas to "learn" the things that you used to get all-in-one.

I quit going.

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This is YOUR, or at least your company's, forum to do with as you see fit. But the current status quo is bad because? is limited how? Even the one that apparently inspired this in you has not been hampered by only using the OT for general "music" related topics that I can see.

And since you put it out there:

#1 - if done CORRECTLY each Q&A would end up as "sticky" at top of that particular forum (so there would lots of 'em at top of forum) or better yet end up as FAQ with "monographs" within each topic specialty (which I suspect 95+% of anything anyone could ask is already somewhere else on the web, or on this forum, in other forums, …)

#2 - my crystal ball sees problems there but I have no dog in that fight: I wouldn’t be participating on that on at all (safer that way)

#3 - isn’t that what the wish list forums are for?

My tone above is simply "to the point" it is NOT meant to be caustic or sarcastic I respect you, your company and I LOVE your products - best value in music SW going!


Win10Pro,i9,64GB,2TBSSD+20TBHDDs,1080TI,BIAB'24,Scarlett18i8,Montage7,Fusion 8HD,QS8,Integra7,XV5080,QSR,SC-8850,SPLAT,FL21&others,Komp.14,IK suite&others, just a guitar player-AXE FX III &FM9T, FishmanTP, MIDIGuitar2, GK2/3'sw/GI20
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Some other forums that I frequent have sections and/or stickies for beginners. Maybe within the "How do I.....?" forum have a section on "Getting Started" or something similar. I think that some of the existing videos would be great for adding to the "stickies" as well. Or, if not a forum for beginners, there could be one for "Advanced Users". No, sadly I do not consider myself an advanced user.


Cornet Curmudgeon
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Hi Peter,
I would like to see a forum with access to tutorial video's, both yours and users (that have been vetted first)
The forum could have links to all relevant video's.
This would provide a one stop place for beginners and also more advanced users to assist with the ins and outs of Band In A Box and maybe Realband.


Windows 11 64 bit, Biab 2023 1006, Realband 2023 (1)
i7 Desktop Computer 16Gb Memory

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to me more forums is one thing getting information out of them is another

i would like to see maybe a forum or page dedicated to efficient searching the forums using the default search option and something other than the default search option if that option doesn't provide the desired results

the objective is example search scenarios

power searching google

advanced power searching google

How To Create Your Own Custom Google Search Engine

Last edited by pghboemike; 02/19/13 01:28 AM.

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My thoughts:
  • I very much like the idea of a "How Do I...?" forum. It could start off with a sticky or three aiming people toward the Tutorials and Videos, and maybe every month or three we could combine and organize the best questions and answers into a new Forum FAQ (Read This First), or perhaps FAQs by general subject.
  • I also like Help A Song. I suspect subject lines should start with a very broad keyword, e.g., Songwriting, Mixing, Mastering. I do agree that the "songwriting" aspect should not be collaboration; the entire thing should be based on Technique, and maybe that's the heading to use for the forum.
  • I'm good with a Yard Sale forum or somesuch, for people wanting to get rid of old gear to a good home, as long as it is explicitly clear that PG Music is only putting up the electronic whiteboard and has nothing whatsoever to do with the gear, the transaction, or the after-effects. (Cue Wash in Firefly: "Curse your sudden yet inevitable betrayal!")
  • An Add-on forum would be fantastic. Notes Norton needs someone to keep him on his toes.
  • Dunno if a new Style forum is necessary; maybe the User Showcase could become something like "User Showcase: Files and Styles".
  • A "New Gear Reviews" forum would also be great, encompassing both hardware and software.
  • I think the Styles Wishlist should be incorporated into the general BIAB Wishlist, just for convenience. If we have a few right at the beginning with the subject line (e.g.) "STYLE REQUEST: Classical Strings", with elaboration in the body, I think the format will catch on quick.
  • I very much DISLIKE the notion of a Users Only forum. One of the unique strengths of BIAB is this community. We help with pre-sales, we ease people in, we make 'em feel welcome. Having to register your product to get to a special forum defeats the entire purpose, I think.
Whew! Didn't expect to go on so long. My 49 cents, I guess.

Tom Smith
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We need a forum for the sounds that are part of PG Music, yet are neither Band in a box NOR Real Band.

When I have something to share about Real Tracks or Sampletank, I don't know where to put it. It is not specific to RB or to BiaB. It is not "off topic" either - most questions and comments about RTs and Samples are directly related to music production in one of these programs, sometimes both.

I have thought a lot about this, and still don't have a good idea for what a good descriptive name for such a forum might be. Still workin' on that one...

Flatfoot sez: Call me when 'Talent-in-a-Box' is ready to ship! -- [8{>

Got some tunes on You Tube:
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I see no need for a separate joke forum. If there is a problem with the joke threads that are currently active, I dont see it. Works fine for me.

Flatfoot sez: Call me when 'Talent-in-a-Box' is ready to ship! -- [8{>

Got some tunes on You Tube:
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It's always great to hear how other Band-in-a-Box® users create their songs, especially when they explain in detail what they're doing. Like Henry Clarke's YouTube Channel, Henry Clarke - Senior Musicians Unite! There you'll find his ALL Band-in-a-Box Tutorials playlist with over 50 videos! His top-three most watched videos include "How to Get Started with Band-in-a-Box," "How I use the Audio Chord Wizard in Band-in-a-Box," and "How to Create An Effective Solo Using Band-in-a-Box" - however he touches on many other topics and also demonstrates his own Band-in-a-Box® songs in the Band-in-a-Box Created Songs playlist!

You're guaranteed to find some helpful videos when you visit Henry Clarke's channel!

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 Italian for Windows is Here!

Ci siamo dati da fare e abbiamo aggiunto oltre 50 nuove funzionalità e una straordinaria raccolta di nuovi contenuti, tra cui 222 RealTracks, nuovi RealStyles, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, "Songs with Vocals" Artist Performance Sets, Playable RealTracks Set 3, Playable RealDrums Set 2, due nuovi set di "RealDrums Stems", XPro Styles PAK 6, Xtra Styles PAK 17 e altro ancora!

Tutti Pacchetti | Nuove Caratteristiche

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 French for Windows is Here!

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 apporte plus de 50 fonctions nouvelles ainsi qu'une importante de contenus nouveaux à savoir : 222 RealTracks, des RealStyles nouveaux, des SuperTracks MIDI, des Etudes d'Instruments, des Prestations d'Artistes, des "Morceaux avec Choeurs", un Set 3 de Tracks Jouables, un Set 2 de RealDrums Jouables, deux nouveaux Sets de "RealDrums Stems", des Styles XPro PAK 6, des Xtra Styles PAK 17 et bien plus encore!

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Video: Making a Song with Band-in-a-Box®, ChatGPT, and Synth V

Take your Band-in-a-Box® project to a whole new level when you incorporate ChatGPT and Synth V to add lyrics and vocals to your song!

We wanted to demonstrate how this is done with our video, where we show you how to go from nothing to a finished "radio ready" modern pop song by combining the features of Band-in-a-Box®, ChatGPT, and Synth V!

Listen to the finished song, so you get a listen to the finished product:

If you like it, watch the video. Either way, let's hear your comments!

Henry Clarke: Revolutionize Your Band-in-Box® Tracks with Regenerating Function

One of the new features added with Band-in-Box® 2024 is the Tracks Window, which will look familiar if you've worked with other DAWs.

Henry Clarke explains why he loves the Re-generation function within the Tracks Window in their video Revolutionize Your Band-in-Box® Tracks with Regenerating Function.

Watch video.

Learn even more about what the Tracks Window can do with our video Band-in-a-Box® 2024: The Tracks Window.

User Video: Next-Level AI Music Editing with ACE Studio and Band-in-a-Box®

The Bob Doyle Media YouTube channel is known for demonstrating how you can creatively incorporate AI into your projects - from your song projects to avatar building to face swapping, and more!

His latest video, Next-Level AI Music Editing with ACE Studio and Band-in-a-Box, he explains in detail how you can use the Melodist feature in Band-in-a-Box with ACE Studio. Follow along as he goes from "nothing" to "something" with his Band-in-a-Box MIDI Melodist track, using ACE Studio to turn it into a vocal track (or tracks, you'll see) by adding lyrics for those notes that will trigger some amazing AI vocals!

Watch: Next-Level AI Music Editing with ACE Studio and Band-in-a-Box

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 German for Windows is Here!

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Wir waren fleißig und haben über 50 neue Funktionen und eine erstaunliche Sammlung neuer Inhalte hinzugefügt, darunter 222 RealTracks, neue RealStyles, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, "Songs with Vocals" Artist Performance Sets, abspielbare RealTracks Set 3, abspielbare RealDrums Set 2, zwei neue Sets von "RealDrums Stems", XPro Styles PAK 6, Xtra Styles PAK 17 und mehr!

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