
Hey All...thanks for the good words! And Floyd, thanks for the tune! Its great writing as usual. Hey for clarity, this wasn't a 'Collab' really. This is Floyd s tune. He sent me basic tracks(Drums, Bass and Acoustic) and I just added guitars. I did help shape the tune as I added the 'theme' of the musical context with a riff that emerged after a few practice passes through. I kept a certain 'type'of playing throughout, but that was my sole contribution.

As you know the benefit of having a live person playing on the tracks is that they can shape the playing to create stronger support for the artists intent. It becomes integral to the song versus just 'decoration' on the outside as can often be the case with BIAB when we try and hunt for the right Real Track. Sure, BIAB is really incredible and so many RTS can 'work', but sometimes it is nice to have a player who has actually heard the tune. LOL!

Thanks again Floyd and PG forum!~ Have a great weekend!

Very well stated regarding the way a player can shape the instrumental support. Unfortunately in several of the bands I played in that was a rarity. It takes a well grounded, tasteful and relatively ego picker to provide that support. I spend hours cutting RealTracks into snippets and reassembling them to try and approximate this feel.