
I do have RB on one drive and the projects on another

What drive are the offending files on?
Is it USB/internal/network/flash/system .. ??

Any clues may help.

The reason I asked what had changed is because you mentioned a 2 second interval .. which seems like a trial software type interrupt. A system interrupt should be much smaller.

Strange behavior indeed, if you haven't changed anything.
Did you try a simple reboot?

My system at work was showing no signs of stress (measurement wise) but performing slowly. About 10AM I rebooted it for the first time in weeks and performance is much better. I think maybe it had bloated up on cached data and updates waiting to be installed (or rejected).

The processor was showing 2% use and the memory only 40% before reboot .. but it was performing poorly.
After rebooting, the processor now reads the same, as does memory, but the system responds much better now.
Sometimes it's the simple things that work.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome