
Welcome back to BIAB and to the forums! I don't have the answer to many of your questions, but someone will, so hang on.

AFAIK you should be able to use Amplitube in realtime, given that your PC is up to it. Those clicks and pops you mention bother me. There is a free benchmark you can download and run to see how much moxie your PC has. Go to

I'm not clear on your question about using Garritan in RT, though. You make an earlier reference to "driving your guitar with the computer." Do you mean using your guitar as a controller? If so, you would need a pitch-to-MIDI converter such as a Roland GI-20 or equivalent plus a Roland GK-type pickup. As I said, though, I may just not be understanding what you're asking.

You're asking some great questions and you're obviously in a great place to take the answers and run with it. We look forward to seeing you grow with this thing.



"My primary musical instrument is the personal computer."