No harmonies - just the lead vocal. I may have to back off my offer.

Tonight my oldest daughter was using our Samsung RV511 lappy (the same one I have my recording software on) and after awhile she says to me - "Dad, the laptop won't power on".

Sure enough, no combination of battery in/out, AC adapter plugged in/not plugged in, holding power button down, etc. will bring this thing to life.

No sign of death beforehand.

power light lights on indicator of whether AC adapter is plugged in or not, but no come to life with the power button. Methinks the mobo is gone. So, it stays plugged in tonight, with a hope and a prayer for real, to see if she powers up in the AM. If not, there's a few of them for sale on e-Bay that I might be able to snipe.

I'm having some bad luck with lappys - I bought expensive with a Thinkpad and had nearly this same issue, and this one I bought on clearance at Best Buy - and I've received about a year and a half life out of it.

I'm a hair shy of simply saying hang it all and going with a Mac.