Originally Posted By: Ryszard
I used to have the hardest time convincing roadies and other musos that cables aren't rope. At some point I began 'folding' cables in half repeatedly until I could LOOSELY cinch the things into a big overhand knot. This way both ends are together so you can quickly see what kind of cable you've got, and they don't get tangled up in a container. It doesn't require any extra material such as Velcro ties or freezer bags. As long as you do it LOOSELY it saves the normal wear and tear--you know, that thing where mic cables routinely go bad about 6 inches from the connector from being TIGHTLY tied?

I hope I've explained this clearly.


It's also very important to know how to properly "roll" your cables, using the over/under technique that stagehands use:


That said, we have some 100' heavy speaker cables that have to be done in halves. shocked