I'm with 90 dB on this. Over/under, twist in/out, whichever you do this is really the best way to keep kinks out of cables. Just don't let anyone else touch them. One sight that gives me a stomach-ache is to see someone start doing the 'wind-it-around' the fore-arm method. When I do A/V system training as a side job, this is one task that I require all of the students to pass.

I used to do the fold-over that Ryszard refers to, but I can vouch that with the grade of cable I was using (middle of the road), the cable will start to get a memory to it.

When I'm running long runs, with the over/under technique, I can grab one end and chuck the bundle down the straight of the run with no knots, etc.

Here's a link to a case for the company that I do training for - not space efficient but VERY time efficient: Note that all of the AC cables, XLR, instrument cables have been wrapped over/under. Length of the cable is signified by the color of velcro wrapper.

I wish I could show you the back of this mixer case - these are a thing of beauty. Next time I do one of these jobs I'll make sure to snap a picture on my phone.