Also maybe one meeting in the East at the same time one is held in the West, possible for both the USA and Canada. Couple this with conference rooms and Tele-conferencing this might include more of us.

hey that's a great idea! If the two get togethers were held at places with WI-FI, a laptop at each event plus Skype would be a very inexpensive way to make it happen!

What this idea needs is someone to assume responsibility for the project (on both coasts) so things actually happen instead of just being discussed then forgotten.

A solid date is the first thing to nail down so people who work can schedule vacation time well in advance. Location can come later

We should also collect a list of potential attendees. That number would decide pretty quickly whether we'd need a coliseum or a beach house for the meeting.

Put my name on the list as an attendee (but I'm a terrible planner)

Last edited by Pat Marr; 06/15/13 03:08 PM.