Originally Posted By: Pat Marr
There ya go Aleck...take the chords and make a jazz version

Floyd makes all songs his own, with that one-of-a-kind instrument he's got: his voice. But Pat, taking a country song and turning it into jazz is virtually impossible.

Country evolved to work with a very small number of chords. To make it interesting, entire techniques and even new instruments, e.g., pedal steel, were introduced. And then there's chops. If you are unfamiliar with the guy in the link below, you better sit down even if you're not on heart medication. In fact, I hope everyone reading goes to this link:


The urge to grow led jazz in a different direction altogether: toward increasingly greater harmonic sophistication: zillions of chords (maybe more!!).

But any jazz player who ever scoffed at country guitar - Yuk! All they got is them 3 lousy chords!* - won't do it again.


*Question: What do you get when you play a country song backwards? Answer: Ya getcha truck back, ya getcha dawg back, ya getcha wife back, ...

Sweetwater Creation Station. BIAB 2018, Mixcraft 8 Pro Studio, Izotope Nektar 2, Ozone 8, KEYBOARDS: Kurzweil Artis 7, Crumar MOJO, Hammond XK-3, BASSES (fretted & fretless by Ibanez, LTD, Warwick. GUITARS by Guild, Gretsch, Ibanez, Eastwood (12 string)