Hi Stratocaster.

It's very difficult to be precise without hearing the track or the mix which it's part of, but in general terms you could try one of these -

1) A few db of upward limiting to bring up the quieter words without increasing the overall level.

2) A few db lift at 4kz to brighten it and help intelligibility. This will also help it to cut through without increasing the volume of the track.

3) Similar to (2) but using a bright reverb setting to achieve much the same effect.

4) Finally, what I do to almost all the vocals I record - use a tape saturation plugin. This should give you a degree of soft limiting with a thicker sound and some harmonic distortion which can add some character and a bit of an edge to the track. The success of this method depends entirely on the quality of the plugin and judicious use.

Hope this is of some use.