Originally Posted By: Guitarhacker
Apparently there is a whole lot of things I am missing or just unaware of in BB/RB as evidenced by reading this post....and some others.

once a user gets past the low hanging fruit in the PGMusic programs (and there's a LOT of that!) it becomes evident that the product is an iceberg of potential, and much of it lies outside the realm of first glance.

Now the question is..... do I have the time and desire to dig in and learn how these aspects of the program work in order to incorporate this into my musical production?


The good news is that it's a cohesive system, and the stuff you don't use yet probably works just like the stuff you already use... so there may be far less of a learning curve than you think.

Also, let's face it: musicians love new gear. We buy it because it adds new performing or recording possibilities. This thread is an example of how a new soft synth can open doors of possibility. But a cheaper way to add new possibilities is to fully exploit the software you already own.

Based on your posts, Herb, I'd say you are a lifetime learner. You aren't content to stay in one place, you are a continuous improver. Once you establish the fact that you're always learning, It boils down to the question of what you will learn TODAY.

From a learning perspective, BIAB/RB are like the Readers Digest. You don't have to read a whole book, just read a condensed version. Pick one feature and mess with it. By playing you absorb knowledge without feeling like you invested time at all.