
You've been a big help in the past. That said, I was prepared to sniff at your last paragraph until I got a call from a friend who talked me off the ledge a bit. *g* Yes, I can go on creating bits and pieces of music until I can get all this stuff together. Sure would be nice to share all of what I'm doing with people outside of my music room, though.

The VG-88 does not do pitch-to-MIDI, durnit. A Terratec Axon Mk II PTM converter/synth is the next major investment. I have an M-Audio Keystation 49e USB/MIDI keyboard controller which works well when my programs recognize it at all.

My version of Nuendo isn't an issue. It has ReWire, which is designed to port audio and MIDI directly between slave and host. (See my recent re-post in the Wishlists for a full explication.) In one triumphant moment it worked, and if I can get it to do so again and consistently it will be all I need for straight recording with Reason as a soft synth. (I still want RealBand for other reasons.)

Reason has an odd rap. Think of Reason as a rack full of all the modular samplers, synths and processing gear you want (up to the limits of your system's resources) and you will be much closer to the truth. And you can do anything you want with an instrument. Put another way, Reason is a DAW without the A, and even that is only partly true. It can handle audio, only indirectly. I use it as a big lashup of a bunch of synths and wash stuff I create in BIAB through it.

A very short definition of my music is electronica with blues overtop of it. Fairly unique AFAIK. Here's an excerpt of an ad I placed in the Atlanta craigslist:


OBJECTIVE: To play blues-informed electric lead guitar in an ambient/techno/prog pop setting, or add ambient values to a blues group . . .

OUTLOOK: As a guitarist I consider myself an electric blues player but would prefer to play in a techno/prog pop/fusac setting, OR join a blues band which would allow me to bring some of those values to the presentation. (Still wanna play some electric lead, though.) Think Stevie Ray Vaughan with David Bowie ("China Girl"), Santana with Weather Report ("This Is This"), or Rick Holmstrom's Hydraulic Groove CD . . . (To get an idea of my ideal, go to Klasyka Muzyki Elektronicznej (Classic Electronic Music)* and listen through your preferred media player. I wanna play guitar over that!) *g*

Love to know what you think of all that.



* At and way down the list, if the link doesn't work directly.

"My primary musical instrument is the personal computer."