
You can absolutely export tracks in Reason 3 to audio. It's in the file menu. It's called "export song as audio". To export several tracks you have to do it several times, once for each track, soloing that track and muting the rest. Each time. Reason doesn't have a separate track function in 3. You can export midi as well. Reason Rewires to Nuendo as well as Reaper, Sonar, Cubase and other rewire capable hosts. Reason would be the slave to Nuendo. Setup is a little different in each host with Sonar probably being the easiest to grasp.

Duh. *facepalm* I don't have the manual, but I coulda looked at the File menu . . .

It will export the whole thing as a stereo WAV file, too, which is what I wanted right now. I've pulled it into RB and am listening as I write. Odd, though--I recorded the thing at 140 bpm but it's playing back at 120, even when I set the tempo in RB first. But THIS IS SO COOL. First real interprogram communication I've had so far.

Yes, Nuendo has Rewire, but I haven't been able to make it work but that one time. Hope springs eternal.


"My primary musical instrument is the personal computer."