Originally Posted By: musiclover
Relax Jimmy Boy, I'm sure PG and the beta testers are working flat out to include things in 2014 version that otherwise might have appeared in 2013.5. So in that sense the 2013.5 started by Pat Marr is very appropriate. I was just looking at his first post the other day and more time has elapsed since he made it, than we have to wait for 2014 to arrive.

And then when everything is ready at the PG end it will be all boxed and given to Santa who will Fly over your house come down your chimney and give it to you.

Or maybe if you are a little impatient you could fly up in your little plane and meet him half way so as to get it quicker.



Well...THANKS for yet another snotty post. You seem to take a great interest in the state of my relaxation...or the lack thereof. But trust me, I'm SO relaxed that I'm having trouble staying awake to read your snippy little posts.

"I'm sure PG and the beta testers are working flat out to include things in 2014 version that otherwise might have appeared in 2013.5 So in that sense the 2013.5 started by Pat Marr is very appropriate."

Who said anything about Pat's thread being inappropriate??? Certainly not I. But unless you chronically tip back too many pints of Guinness before posting here...my POINT was that it is quite unlikely that there is going to be any such thing as 2013.5 so that thread has become OBSOLETE. Get it??

Therefore...take a DEEP breath "Danny boy"...relax yourself and consider how APPROPRIATE a thread is that relates to version 2014. If you search the forum, you will find "version threads" for every single version released during the entire existence of this forum.

This isn't rocket science Danny old boy.

And how do you know what size airplanes I fly Danny old boy??? (HINT: I have multi-engine, COMMERCIAL and instrument ratings).

Finally, in case the above doesn't get through to your seemingly besotted brain, I don't care at all for your smart aleck and condescending posts...let alone your skewed sense of logic. (Yep...yep...lets keep posting to 2013.5 even AFTER 2014 is released. Would that suit you)?

This forum is almost unique in the world of internet forums for its CIVILITY. If you have a problem with me, let's take it to private messages. Or, maybe you could thumb a ride with Santa and we could continue the conversation in person. But if you do, be sure to pound back a LOT of that Guinness. It gets COLD up there.


Your Pal,

Jimmy Boy.