Updated: 2013 11 08

just added more harmonies... moved vocal back in the mix.. fixed sax recorded in the bathroom sound... added volume automation so songs builds.. on various tracks...

New Mix:


Original Message:

Starting to work on a new album called "I finally found my groove" and this will be the first song on it.. This is a very rough cut... Solo may be replaced with a friends guitar solo.. if I can get him to make the time to do it..lol The sax solo is filler at the moment for the solo to go there. Wanted to use a Brent Mason solo ...however there is no solo at 93 bpm that sounds good...the pop and rock solos..when decreased in speed sound like he had taken downers... sloooow....

(sorry about the wave link first posted.. reverbnation is what I usually link to and they convert automatically)


Band in the Box Parts:

Bass Part: DRCBRIT Diving BritRock Guitar (entire song starting on first verse)

Electric Guitars (third verse and on): HROCKLA - LA Hard Rock

Sax Solo: JZFNKAS - Jazz Funk Groovin

Work Flow

(1) chords entered into BB to write the song..

(2) pull off the different sytle parts into individual track waves.. inside BB

(3) bring tracks into Sonar X3 and additional tracks from EZKeys (piano) and EzDrums (drums). Supplement as needed other instruments

(3) Mix down using Sonar X3 using the new mixing skills I'm acquiring (daily). Using a lot of vst2's and vst3's from isotope for mastering and sound flavoring in mix down. Learning why songs go muddy when additional track layers are added. Yep learning frequencies to enhance per instrument and frequencies to squash so every instrument sits in the mix. Using High pass filters as well as Low Pass filters on each track and as well as adding compression on main buss.

Last edited by Paul bright; 11/08/13 11:54 AM.