Hi, ROG and Noel.

Thanks for having a listen and the kind words. I'm always surprised by the lovely sounds that I've got in these orchestral libraries. And the BiaB cello is especially nice. smile

The song is a bit of an homage to Lewis Carroll. I'd started the bare bones of the song from A Boat Beneath a Sunny Sky. My wife happened to be reading "The Mystery of Lewis Carroll", but it's not strictly biographical.

Although I had the most of the lyric in place, I was stuck because I couldn't set the darned thing to music. Part of the problem was meter. It was a bit asymmetrical with some nice inner rhymes (my tribute to Noel, of course), but it was obvious that something was wrong... It just wasn't obvious what that thing was.

After struggling for a week or so, I finally hit on adding "I'm falling", which shifted the word emphasis and everything fell into place. (It seemed blazingly obvious in retrospect).

I was also confounded by the chord progression as well. I'd considered letting BiaB take a crack at it, but I've started to notice common themes in the melodies it composes, and through it would be safer to do it myself. The descending chromatic line in the second half the verse seemed appropriate for the idea of "falling" (pilfered from Costello's "Almost Blue", which in turn was borrowed from elsewhere), and I couldn't resist putting a suspended chord under the word "suspended". laugh

The song went through a lot of style iterations as well. I settled on _CPPBSAJ.STY (CountryEv8Slow SoloAcPiano) for the basic feel and piano. Then I ended up writing the string part, and throwing most of the style away - including the piano, which had been the reason for choosing the style in the first place.

I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Now to get working on the next couple...

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?