Originally Posted By: bobcflatpicker
She's a very talented young lady. I'd like to catch one of her SJ performances.

Bob, I challenge you to watch/listen to this beautiful young lady without falling madly in love with her. I doubt it's possible.

Some Village Idiot made a sexual innuendo toward her and was INSTANTLY BANNED! I mean right now! Don't pass go, do not collect $200, Goodbye!

When Lana learned that my wife, Joanne, was disabled and that "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow" from the musical "Annie" had special significance to Joanne and me, she immediately posted her fabulous rendition on YouTube. I asked her not to use own last name. The world needs more Lana Masons and I and Joanne love her dearly. Thanks again Lana!


Watch the show schedule, she's on nearly every day after supper/dinner, Nashville (Eastern) Time.