I know what you guys mean. It goes on, and on. Now I don't know whether or not to get a different acoustic, before I start all this, or not. I could sink money into my Fender or Yamaha, now that I have some answers, or just buy a better guitar, and then use all this knowledge? That would open up a brand new thread, that would go on forever, if I dared ask what kind of guitar to get. Ha Ha. . . not going there. I did get a nice tax return, I could buy a Martin, but do I really need to. I'm the kind of guy that would rather take a road worn medium quality guitar, and give it what it needs with after market TLC to end up with something that I like. I have taken many ugly electrics, and added a Floyd Rose and Grovers, and active pick ups. . . Repainted them, and really felt a sense of pride with the sound. I'll never forget the time I bought the electric Eddie Van Halen plays, with the wierd head piece that comes to a point? What a piece of C R # $. (no offense to anyone who might own one).

Well, the Quest goes on. This year I'm gonna figure out everything that has been nagging me.
