Peter: I have used Jbridge since it came out, admitedly 64>32. It never did support all plugins. A wrapper in my opinion is not the answer. All my plugins bar one and indeed all my system apart from BIAB are 64 bit. BIAB is a great program, but is very buggy and still full of anomolies, even after the new GUI we still get banjos that are called guitars. I tried using my current 32 bit VST in the current VST slots and they crashed. There are other areas such as the score, which could do with a good rethink and redsign - mine breaks up into squares.
Giving new fonts, hiding the MIDI cotnrols and making the mixer visible at all times is not an updated GUI in my view (I dont mean to offend but I do mean to be honest) frankly I found the update very underwhelming, except for user RTs.
The program needs a rewrite for the twenty first century. Yes we got user RTs a big bonus, and we got some excellent musicians on the Rts - which is worth the money in its own right, but if you rethought the program from the ground up writing in 64 bit there are many improvements that could be made and have been suggested, no need to list them here. its a pity that there was not considerable improvement in this update. I think that those that ask for 64 bit are not just asking to use their 64 bit VSTs but they are asking for a fresh new application.

Win 11 64, Asus Rog Strix z390 mobo, 64 gig RAM, 8700k