Originally Posted By: MarioD
...I want BiaB to be better NOT to turn into a DAW...

Absolutely! It's not supposed to replace my Cubase. However, it could definitely do with a 64 bit rewrite.
64 Bit has been around in Windows since 2001(Windows XP 64-Bit Edition), so we're not talking about "some newfangled thing".
So, even though most would probably agree, it is a tool for composing/learning/practice, it still utilizes VST, so (IMHO) it has to be compatible with the future of that environment.
It had to move from Atari to PC, it will have to move from 32 Bit to 64 Bit. I think it's just a matter of when not if.

WIN 10, BIAB WIN2022, Studio One 5, Audient iD4