Helllo Slyruby,

As regards the display and chorus when doing a song some people go into edit, and click to "unfold to one big chorus" then the whole song will be on just a large number of bars, no coming back to do second and third chorus.

As regards those grey little part makers lines on your chord sheet, some people love them, I find them them very off putting and a distraction, so if you go into preferences and click on display there is a box there to untick "new line for every section" But if you like them just let it be.

hope you enjoy your new toy.

Last edited by musiclover; 12/06/13 02:58 AM.


My music https://www.youtube.com/user/donegalprideofall

Windows 10 (64bit) M-Audio Fast Track Pro, Band in a Box 2024, Cubase 13, Cakewalk and far too many VST plugins that I probably don't need or will ever use smile