Mel Lastman sang in Dundas Square?

There my Leaf's and I'll cry if I want to?

I love Hawgtown in the Springtime?

TO know know TO is to love love TO?

Tarronna, my kinda town?

I left my heart at the St. Charles?

We'll take Toronto and Centre Island too, it's fun going to Scarberiazoo..
It's pretty fancy, on Queen Street West you know, the subway charms us so, when icy breezes blow, snow to and fro, and tell me what street, compares with Yonge st. in July, on grates where wino's lie, as we walk by, the great big city's a wonderous toy, just made for a Susy and Fred, jumping a streetcar, and seeing Honest Ed.

John Conley
Musica est vita