Peter, what a great sound. It gave me an inspiration to take the melody I know so well as Danny Boy and change this around a bit. To my surprise, I find that I can change the style somewhat and get many options. I saved the original Performance in a separate folder(Performance Tracks Mixed). I did keep the original style from 2014. Working from the original, I started by changing the bass to a very simple picked RealTrack [518]cleaned up the bottom end, plus a basic jazz drum holding John Jarvis [2024] on piano in a rather nice pattern IMHO. I selected Brett [2200]on nylon country @ 85 bpm and assigned that to Strings. Next Paul Franklin [2002]Country [bluesy] @ 85 bpm to soloist. Keeping the fiddle up front most of the time with Brett and Paul adding their usual stellar performance to the mix. Which, by the way is totally arranged in BB. I would like to be able to submit this file in a special forum section created for myself and other forum members to showcase how easy it is to create an arrangement within BIAB. My time spent was maybe 30 minutes. Others will follow suite. Lots of songs are public domain. Please consider this-----Leon