For example, lets say you record these chords in key of C


and then BiaB is playing back the song, in the key of E, and it needs an E chord.

It will probably take the "F" and transpose it down one semitone. So the '4' chord in 'C' is being used as the
1 chord in E. That isn't optimal, but it's all you've recorded, so BiaB makes the best of it,

So the idea is to feed it more files if you want a better UserTracks. For example, add a file in the key of F, and then record something like F Dm Gm C
and then odds are that Biab will use your F (in the key of F), and tranpose it down for the key of E

Now, a lot of styles are not key dependant, so an F chord will be played the same in any key. If that's the case, then dont worry about keys, just make sure that you have various chords covered, and BiaB will transpose the rest.

Have Fun!
Peter Gannon
PG Music Inc.