Originally Posted By: Matt Finley

...I'm using an SSD drive as my boot drive with the BIAB program, and have the RealTracks and RealDrums alone on another internal drive. The performance is amazing. Plus, this leaves my PG drive as my backup, which I keep in storage...

I ordered BIAB EverythingPak last Friday, and Monday PGM shipped it overnight via FedEx so I'll have it today. I'm impressed!

I had hoped I could set it up as you have described and glad to see it can be organized that way. I have one 600GB SSD, two 3 TB internal drives, and one external 3 TB backup drive. (I also do a lot of video work).

If I put the BIAB main program on the SSD drive as you have, how much space will the remaining programs take?


Wally G

Yamaha Montage 6 Roland J80, D50, Integra 7, BK-7m, FR-8X, 1967 Fender Jaguar, Fender Strat, Fender 1965 Twin Reverb reissue, Selmer Trumpet, Akai EWI, Studio One 4

My WEB Site: www.gontowski.com/music