Originally Posted By: LanceJ
Self response: I discovered that I needed to export with bit depth of 24.

The default bit depth was 32.

I guess that makes a big difference,

I hope this helps another user.

Note: BB, check this out please. Your system needs a soft response to the division by zero.



I also use Sonar X3 and received my BiaB 2014 today. I appreciate the tip.

Wally G

Yamaha Montage 6 Roland J80, D50, Integra 7, BK-7m, FR-8X, 1967 Fender Jaguar, Fender Strat, Fender 1965 Twin Reverb reissue, Selmer Trumpet, Akai EWI, Studio One 4

My WEB Site: www.gontowski.com/music