I hope you have better luck with latency than I have had over the years. I have never been able to permanently get zero noticeable latency when using my keyboard with BIAB and a soft synthesizer. I have tried every possible ASIO/driver combination and fiddled with settings for hours and asked all kinds of question on this forum. I have often thought I have cracked the problem only for it to re-appear. This may not apply to you but the one latency issue I can never solve is when using the "pause PLAY until MIDI received" It is very hard to get this to work with no latency, which defeats the object of this feature.

This is why I switched to a hard synth (sound module) years ago which never has any latency issues of any kind. I haven't tried recently so things may be better but I love my sound module and have dozens of songs that use it's higher banks.
