Originally Posted By: Mac
It should have Yamaha "XG" bank in it, which is basically the same as GM but with different Patch Number ordering. BiaB has a "Use XG" command under the GM MIDI menu, a one-button solution to that nonproblem.


You can still record.

The Audio output of the keyboard, though is best done by using L and R audio cables from keyboard to Line Input of your sound device on the computer so that you will hear both MIDI and RealInstruments coming from the same speakers.

You also lose the rapid "Render" to wsv, mp3, etc. feature because the "Use DXi" must be unchecked in order to have BB route to your external hardware MIDI synth in the keyboard.

But - you should try it and see, because the sounds in that keyboard may just sound better than any of your DXi.VSTi synths anyway.

AND - there is that guarantee of near zero latency when using the sounds from the keyboard to consider.


Yes, you make a good point. I'm learning as we go along....

Yes, the Yamaha has "XG" in it. Are you referring to the "GM == > Send MIDI Message == > Send XG Mode on Message (Yamaha)" command or the "Auto Send XG Mode on Startup" command? With either one, I get a message that says:

"Yamaha XG users (and others) should likely NOT send this XG on message, and should send GM on message instead, so that drum patches will work. Do you want to proceed with sending an XG? (YES / NO / CANCEL)"

BIAB is telling me NOT to do this, so should I? And if so, which of the two commands should I invoke?

Also, While I don't completely understand the terminology in the part of your post that I highlighted, I can't route BIAB output from my laptop computer (or ANY output for that matter) into the keyboard because this keyboard has no "Line-In" capability (sadly).


Kawai VPC1 MIDI Controller; Asus A53E Laptop running Windows 7 - 64 bit; BIAB 2017 UltraPlusPak (upgraded from 2014 EverythingPak), running from Laptop's Hard Drive.