Hi Axey,

In a post above, Andrew from PG Music mentions that those bass styles are not part of Set #202. With this in mind, I went and had a look in the \bb\Realtracks folders that corresponded to those RTs.

In every case, what I found inside the folder was a text file indicating that these tracks had been renamed and were no longer using the names/sets that Realtrack Picker assigned to them. (The below image show what's inside the folder \bb\Realtracks\Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Half,Half Sw 110. There are no audio files as one would expect.)

So I went through each of the text files and compiled the following information.

The below pdf summarises what I discovered (right-click and "Save as" will download it). In a nutshell, the Bass tracks are now considered 'normal', 'simple' and 'very simple' rather than 'quarter, quarter', 'half, quarter' and 'half, half'. (It seems as though 'Set 202' was used as an internal grouping by PG Music at a time when '202' was far removed from the set numbers that were available.)

link to pdf summary of Realtracks in Set 202

Hope this helps,

Audiophile BIAB 2024