
Thanks for this suggestion. I'll give this a try when I get home from work tonight. However, what I would like to do is to start with 0 volume piano, then in chorus 2 increase to perhaps 30% of final volume and then increase to full volume at the beginning of chorus 3. So if I understand correctly I should set the final volume in the mixer and in Chorus 1 bar 1 set the piano volume to Change by -127 to essentially lower it to 0. Then at Chorus 2 Bar 1 I would Change by +30 to raise it somewhat and at Chorus 3 Bar 1 I could Change by another +70 or whatever needed to raise it up to the desired final volume. Is that right? If so, it sounds like the problem is that the volume cannot be raised higher than it's set in the mixer but it can be lowered. This is somewhat contrary to what the manual indicates should work but I can make this work if it behaves consistently in this fashion.