Originally Posted By: MarioD
Originally Posted By: Guitarhacker
Working with BB/RB, currently there is no way for you to have it create exactly what you hear in your head,

I will respectfully disagree. You can get BiaB and RB to create exactly what you hear in your head using MIDI.

The main point that I am trying to make is do not limit yourself to just RTs or MIDI. Both have strengths and weaknesses. They are tools you already have so why not use both?

I should have been clearer in stating that. I'm not talking about song ideas when I said that. I have yet to have a song idea that was undo-able in BB/RB. BB/RB is the best work sheet for my writing ever.

What I specifically meant is that I have not found a way (perhaps there is a way that I don't know of yet, although I've had that conversation in the past with several folks) to have a real track play a specific melody line for a song.

Yes I know I can use midi to trigger a synth with some sweet samples and get that melody line I want, but doing it using real tracks and the sound samples real tracks use.... nope, I have not found that workaround yet.

That said, I can often find useful parts in the real tracks. Some that are simply amazing in what they play and I'm able to work them in well to the overall vision for the song.

hope that clarifies it a bit.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.