Ive just looked at the comments site regarding BIAB and was amazed that some gave it one star even no stars..Now I gave it 4.5 because the extra I have to pay UPS but BIAB is brilliant.HOW can someone review it as no better than a Casio keyboard !!.Ive got a small recording sudio for my songwriting and listen to BIAB on my active monitors and its superb even some of my friends from Rockfield studios were impressed.Im afrad if I owned PG Music I would delete those UNFAIR comments as any new user looking at it might ignore the 4\5 stars and believe those stupid comments..well thats my rant for today

AMD Athlon 7550 dual core
processor 2.51 ghz
1 87 gb ram
windows 7 Ultimate
yamaha rev 500 effects
tacam DP-24 DAW
Samson Resolv NF monitors
Yamaha PSR-620 Keyboard
Fender semi accoustic guitar