
Somehow this snuck by when I wasn't paying attention, but now that I've watched and heard I can't remain silent...

Sometimes I hear a song and nod my head with approval for one or many reasons that my mind can discern and comprehend.

But YOUR songs... I can never identify their appeal with my understanding, only by the effect they have on me

To me they are as unfathomable as the God you sing to, and as enormous as the universe you so often appeal to as proof that He is.

Your songs bypass my vain intellect and punch me right in the heart with an unspeakable yet undeniable appreciation and wonder.

Its as though your songs speak directly to my spirit, bearing witness to a shared appreciation for something mysterious, unknown, and beautiful beyond comprehension.

Reading back over what I just wrote, it seems a bit stilted... but I'm not going to change any of it because it seems like the right thing to say, even if it is said awkwardly.