This isnt about censorship its about fairness

Nope, IMO it's about marketing savvy. One of my departments deals with this stuff daily. There are much more damaging ways to attack a company if desired. I tend to doubt this is about 'fairness'.

The internet requires special marketing.
Lots of ways to deal with this particular issue. Our most basic model is called ORM (online reputation management) .. but it all costs money.

These complaints may be legit (from user point of view) or stupidity or competitors.
Eduction alone may solve it, or it may require a more aggressive approach.

Is it costing PGMusic more than the ORM service would cost? That's up to PG.

Tributeman has a point; not addressing it is not the right approach .. from a marketing point of view, anyway. Active engagement of customers is usually beneficial.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome