My top 5 Plugins

5. Waves Truverb (for Reverb)
4. Waves Renaissance Eq (For correction and High Pass/Low Pass)
3. Waves Renaissance Compressor for lite mastering before main mastering plug in
2. Izone4 Main Mastering
1. Waves RVOX for vocal (LOVE IT!!)

I could also put at 5. Waves Renaissance Reverb and the free reverb Ambience as I bounce between them and Truverb. Lately have been using the ambience for an insert on the individual tracks and really like the sound of it. I then make and FX channel and add the Waves verbs as needed.
at 4 I could also mention the eq that comes with my Cubase Le4 as I use it for a High Pass and a High shelf on all of the individual instruments
at 2 I some times use Waves Ultramaximizer for mastering
at 1 I sometimes use Waves Loudness for my vocals, but RVOX is my favorite compressor of them all, I have never heard in the box a better vocal compressor and it is so simple to set up!

My Tunes

Psalm 57:7 My heart, O God, is steadfast, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music.