I use and have used probably a half dozen other DAWs and ASIO4All works near flawlessly with all of them.

I am in "practical use" Hell right now. It seems everything I want to do I can't.

RealBand: I want to create my own performance tracks with my guitar. I am struggling to accomplish what is dazzlingly simple in almost any other DAW - record my guitar along with a track as I monitor it with Guitar Rig effects in real time.

Is this just beyond the scope of RealBand?

Where do you insert the VST effect on my guitar track?

Where do you record arm the track?

Where is the real time monitor select?

Why does RB drop my M-Audio Fast Track driver and complain about Mac format and sample rate support?

Why does RealBand hate ASIO4all?

Honestly,I'm really burning some serious time trying to do the simplest things.