I have an underpowered Win8 computer that I bring along as an emergency spare - I put a free 3rd party start button on it, and I get along with it just fine. I also put the free Zone Alarm firewall on it. It's my oly non-ThinkPad and we picked it because it was really, really cheap and it would do as a spare mp3 player if we ever needed it.

Lenovo still sells ThinkPads that give you the choice of Win7 or Win8. Or at least they did a month or two ago when my neighbor first asked about it.

I'm not a die-hard geek and I don't jump to the new OS the moment it comes out. The cutting edge can be the bleeding edge and I'm not tech savvy enough to be the beta tester. I wait until I need a new computer and when I do, get the new OS. That's usually after the first service pack is released.

It's funny being the tech-help person for a neighbor when I'm self-taught on the computer. Especially when my neighbor doesn't back up her system. So the last time she needed help I told her I wouldn't touch her computer until she gets an external drive and either Norton Ghost or Acronis.

When she gets her new computer, I'll see what I can do about getting an external drive and Ghost (I'm familiar with that one and have been using it way before Acronis was born).

Anyway, for myself, I'm having Lenovo make a ThinkPad for me to my specs and without the bloatware on it.

And I really hate getting new computers. Transferring the programs from one to the next is a bit of a PITA. Let me see, which of these CDs is the newest one, and which external HD did I store that download on, and just what did I do with the registration key... ... ... ...


Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks