
Glen, Just a little over a year ago, this was probably the most profitable brand in the stable of GM. It was a cash cow.


I don't doubt this, but surely someone had to realize that the future was not in gas guzzlers.

Let's leave climate change out of this and think about where all the oil is coming from to run these things. It's coming from the ground, just like other minerals - all of which are a finite resource. Finite simply means, it will run out. And the more Hummer types we have the faster it runs out.

I will state it again - my full size Pontiac has been an excellent car - I don't baby my car - it gets "driven". Still original shocks all round (my wife's 96 Camry had to have them replaced - her brakes squeal all the time - mine don't). On a used car lot her car would bring more than mine, but I wouldn't trade her cars - the Pontiac is better. For me to buy an efficient vehicle would require an outlay of cash that would more than pay for all the gas I'll use the rest of my life.

I think your comments on the press, etc are probably right - once a company gets a bad reputation (see other posts about the 70's and 80's) it's almost impossible to regain it. I've looked at the new Malibu, and it's a very good vehicle (but I can't afford a new car now).

The imports are not without their problems, but we blithely assume they are always better. I think it has something to do with the "grass being greener on the other side of the fence".

My only beef with GM is about their new electric car - they had an excellent start ten years ago, and killed it. Now they are pretending to be virtuous by developing an electric which isn't even a fully electric - it's a hybrid.