

This is a very long thread based almost entirely on statistics

As any fool knows (and Churchill once said), 'There are lies, damned lies and then there are... STATISTICS!'

Just my two pence worth

C'mon Sam. How do you keep track of anything? The numbers in your bank account are statistics, your blood pressure readings for the last 5 years are statistics. You would rather have our leaders just make stuff up? Hmmm, bad example they're doing that already...
The problem is people ignoring the statistics or quoting only the part of the statistic that supports their argument. The best lie is the one based on just a little bit of truth to add authenticity.


My ex-g/f (Monika) worked as a statistician and academic researcher for a QUANGO. She was educated and intelligent and qualified as a medical doctor. However, she was constantly being told off for not producing the statistics the QUANGO wanted. She eventually resigned her job on ethical grounds.

Thought for the day...

Follow That Dream

Karaoke King


Turning that corner again - I have to keep following that dream, no matter what