Originally Posted By: rockstar_not

There's a crazy bunch of folks about to embark on what they call 50/90, writing 50 songs in 90 days. Kemmrich might be one of them. http://fiftyninety.fawmers.org/

I do the February Album Writing Month challenge, which is 14 songs in 28 days. I had a couple of them this year that I like going back to and listening to. That's success to me.

I have seen this and thought about it.... a few years back I did a similar challenge on my own.... it was a 12 month challenge to write 26 songs in that 12 months.... one every 2 weeks. At years and I have over 30 songs and a bunch of cues written. It was fun.

For a different kind of challenge..... go to the TAXI website and have a look at the song listings. Some of them are specific song requests for movies. Some of those actually tell you what is happening in a specific scene in the movie and ask for a song that relates to that scene. There is also a DEADLINE date given. Usually, you have 3 to 5 days to write it and record it. Take that as a challenge and write something that you would submit to that particular listing. Hold yourself to all the particulars, the topic, the genre, the dead line.... and see what happens.

This will get you to start thinking out of the box.

The song RAINY DAY is an prime example. I was a TAXI member at that time, saw the listing, and wrote this song. The deadline was 3 days. I wrote, recorded and submitted it in 3 days. I have since recorded it better. The song was returned since it was not the "indi-rock" genre but ballad-rock according to them..... but the comments about the song included the screener commenting that it was obvious that this was written specifically for the listing and was a good write, but the genre was totally off base from what the film producer wanted.

The point is not what I wrote, but that I took the listing as a challenge and wrote a song for it in the time frame allotted.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.