Originally Posted By: Don Gaynor
Somehow, I feel like the oddball in this conversation.

I live in 1 of 18 Nursing Homes owned by the same for-profit corporation. I see nearly nothing being allocated to patient entertainment so I'm attempting an end-run around the corporation out of my love and concern for the patients who have absolutely nothing to say in budgetary matters yet deserve some quality entertainment.

I have no intention to dilute the value of any band or solo entertainer by asking friends to play here for free but, unfortunately, it comes down to free versus none.

I think entertainment money is available but is currently being diverted to beautification, plants, and outdoor detailing. They are currently doing a multimillion dollar remodeling which will provide them an excuse to cry "poverty".

So I'm left with a dilemma; To ask my countless musician friends worldwide to entertain pro bono, or, conversely, to watch the elderly patients with Alzheimer's, Dementia, Chronic Pain, Hospice (end of life) Patients, withdraw further into mental darkness without the stimulation provided by music, the only activity that utilizes 100% of the brain. I choose the former.

Perhaps a deciding factor - there is still room here for your mother!


Maybe you could ask your musical friends to play for you online, ala Street Jelly?

If we weren't on the other side of the universe, we'd come and play for sure.

