Originally Posted By: c_fogle
Pat, that may be the 'real' formula for being a country hit songwriter. Another thought which popped into my head while reading your post, the artists you mention are likely the actual influences for many of today's country artists. But, they will never mention any of these names from the stage of the Grand Ole Opry. It will always be Hank, Lefty, George and Merle. Wonder why you don't hear any of their musical influence?

bluegrass ain't exactly country... but there's a definite relationship between the two. I went to Merlefest this year, and one of the things I noticed was the phenomenon of artists naming rock era bands as being an influence. I'm talking multiple acts and multiple influences.

And there was a surprisingly high number of rock songs played directly as covers or as fusion with bluegrass style. I heard songs by the Doobie Brothers, Rolling stones and many others, but my old man memory can't recall the names at the moment.

The times, they are a-changin'