Originally Posted By: Pat Marr
My takeaway from this thread is that the paradigm has shifted.. and my thoughts going forward will be about how to identify new opportunities and adapt to them.

I am currently involved in similar discussions on other sites, and I see a common theme of getting lost in the worldwide glut of digital media that divides potential income too many ways.

There is a clear need for someone to market creative content in a way that empowers the creators and helps them stand out in the crowd.

Maybe when my son's streaming site comes online we can differentiate ourselves by finding new ways to promote our performers.

Hope he does well Pat as I am sure he stands a good chance with his "ole fella" with some great ideas like you behind him.

At the same time reading this, the thought occurred would some who are against playing for free, even consider that site of your sons (as well as streetjelly) in the same league as playing for free, maybe it would be beneath them to accept a few tips like on SJ in lieu of payment, I don't know!!

As regards the generalisation that most sub standared musicians are the ones playing for free, then I say good luck to them.

Whoever said that we all have to be of a level of musicmanship before we are allowed to go in front of an audience. That it totally crazy!

Are the so called pro's (just wondering how many know of them beyond their local area anyway) only allowed to enjoy the clap or appreciation of an audience and the rest of us of a lessor standard should be locked away?

I don't think so.


Last edited by musiclover; 05/25/14 01:20 PM.


My music https://www.youtube.com/user/donegalprideofall

Windows 10 (64bit) M-Audio Fast Track Pro, Band in a Box 2024, Cubase 13, Cakewalk and far too many VST plugins that I probably don't need or will ever use smile