Originally Posted By: Digital Angel
Nice job working on a real life producers quandary, when asked to change something and thinking I rather go fishing than rack my brains working on drum parts in BIAB.

I truly commend you for pushing the envelope and perhaps even learning a little more on how tricky it is to get the drummer to quit texting while playing:)

Your awesome!

Yep, learned some more and hopefully the production is better. I think it need's some EQ'ing though, muddy. I'll probably tweak later on. Thanks Eric.

Originally Posted By: Sundance
I almost missed this one Scott you ole Gator. Reminds me of Hank Jr. - that's a compliment. smile Good stuff.

I appreciate that Josie!

Originally Posted By: gruverider
As kin to swamp people I say great groove. and I like the solo vocal in this tune.

Glad you liked it. My friends and neighbors hunt gators, but they seem to like the tune, which means I don't have to move:)

Thanks for listening.