Originally Posted By: Guitarhacker
Drama? Yeah, I've seen some....

Likewise for this old band bird.

Since I've long ago paid my live band dues and been writing/recording solo for so long I can sit back and laugh at what others experience. smile

Being in a band endeavor is a business....end of story.
Frail egos and emotions are irrelevant in the big picture.
Band goals should have already been discussed and all should have been on the same page....until things go south, that is.

But...we now have a creative alternative....BIAB.
I'm on my third BIAB song and the musicians are always on time, don't drink one's Sam Adams, smoke one's _____, don't have women issues and never complain. smile
That works for me.

Back to topic....good luck OP.

Last edited by chulaivet1966; 05/30/14 07:30 AM.